Thursday, December 9, 2010


The celebrity A-Mei is from the Puyuma aboriginal tribe.


Taiwan culture has been enriched over the centuries by the arrival of people from China, Japan, Dutch to Spanish because of its significance as a part of the trading route to Japan and colonisation during the World War. It has mostly Chinese influence as the democratic political party of Chiang Kai Shek, Kuomingtang with its soldiers and people escaped from China to seek refuge in Taiwan from oppressing communist party. When the Chinese arrived, they populated the area and pushed the indigenous tribes into the mountainous areas thus Taiwanese culture diversifies with the culture influence of other countries.

Map of Taiwan

The things that I will be touching on:

1) The Cultures of Taiwan
2) The Traditions of Taiwan
3) Indigenous Groups
4) Languages
5) Mode of Education
6) Types of Leisure Programmes
7) What is Taiwan known for?
8) Spotting the 'Disney' in the Modern Society of Taiwan
9) The Changes brought about by the Growth of Tourism to Taiwan
10) Is Tourism the Culprit in Commodifying Cultures and Traditions?
I have included a music video at the top right corner >>> The song is used in the 1994 olympics in Atlantia whereby the background music is chanted by a couple from the Amis tribe.
Anyway the pictures that are not hyperlinked belongs to me!

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